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Amgen Scholars Programme

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Before you apply

1. Check to make sure you are eligible.

2. Secure the support of a Project Supervisor

A ‘Project Supervisor’ is an academic at the University of Cambridge who has agreed to support your application and host you in their lab for the 8 weeks you will be at Cambridge, working on an agreed project.

Use the Research Themes Database to identify a short list of academics you wish to contact, considering your area of study.

You can then compose a carefully considered email, stating the research areas you are interested in or an idea of a research project that you have. You can include a CV or other relevant information in the email.

Notes: A generic email sent to many academics is not likely to yield a positive response. You should not contact faculty members if they have stated they are not able to take vacation students. Applications are invalid if the supervisor has not agreed to support the applicant - you should not add a supervisor name if they have not agreed to support your application.


Submit your Application Form (applications are now closed)

You will be asked to provide:

  • Your personal details, including contact information
  • Academic information, i.e. course and expected year of graduation
  • Details of any awards, prizes or research experience
  • Details of your Referee
  • Your referee should be someone who knows you in an academic capacity, ideally a university lecturer or tutor, who can speak about your academic performance. It makes most sense to choose someone who has taught you and knows you well, as they will be able to complete the reference form more completely.
  • Details of your Project Supervisor
  • A personal statement (500-word limit)
  • In the statement, you should explain why you have chosen your proposed scientific area of research. Be sure to explain what you hope to accomplish by becoming an Amgen Scholar and how it will support your academic or career goals and prepare you for a career in research. Describe any research experience you have had and any honours, awards or prizes you have received.  Don’t forget to mention any extracurricular or community activities that could enhance your application.

You will be prompted to attach your:

  • CV/Résumé (one page)
  • Academic Transcript

An academic transcript is an official document from your university that summarises a student's academic progress and performance to date. It should include the university and course title, alongside grades for each module taken.

If your transcript is not in English, please provide a translation alongside the official copy.

After applying

Contact your Referee and Project Supervisor to check that they have received the relevant forms (the application system will automatically email them with a form link when you submit your application).

We will contact you with the outcome of your application by early-March 2025.

Notes for applicants

We will only consider applications where we have received:

  1. the applicant's complete application form with requested additional documentation (see above)
  2. the 'Reference request' form submitted by the applicant's referee (deadline 5th February 2025)
  3. the 'Project supervisor support' form submitted by the applicant's proposed Project Supervisor (deadline 5th February 2025)

You should not send additional references, name additional referees or send separate letters - these will not be checked and may result in your application being rejected. 

Amgen Scholars Programme

The University of Cambridge is delighted to continue to participate in the Amgen Scholars Programme and to welcome scholars from universities across Europe.

Amgen Scholars at the University of Cambridge will have the opportunity to work alongside our experienced faculty members, including some of the world's top academic scientists. They will gain hands-on laboratory experience, and actively contribute to the advancement of science. We hope that the experience of undertaking research in one of the world's foremost Universities will enthuse our Scholars about a career in scientific research.

We would like to acknowledge the support of the Amgen Foundation.